We acknowledge good behaviour and positive attitude to learning in a variety of ways. All of which will be logged on go4schools as a record of achievements.
We encourage all students to follow our school rules by being READY to learn, showing RESPECT and being SAFE.
You should arrive to lessons having the correct equipment, make positive contributions to discussions or question and answer sessions and return high quality homework. Try to be kind and considerate of others, be helpful and be respectful to your teachers and peers. Demonstrate your growth mindset by trying your best and being resilient.
Positive points will be awarded each lesson under our Four Character Pillars:
Each award is worth 2 positive points and students with the highest number of points in each year group will be rewarded at the end of each term with a non-uniform day.
Departments will award badges for exceptional work and effort over time. Each department has its own criteria so make sure you are aware of what you need to do to work towards achieving your badge in each subject.
Students making positive contributions to lessons regularly, will get a special mention in the half termly celebration assemblies. Nominations are collected by Heads of Year from all subject areas. There is normally an aspect of fun and chocolate involved in our celebration assemblies!
Postcards or text messages can also be sent home to celebrate ongoing achievements in a subject.
We also award virtual postcards which will be sent to your school email address and your parents email.
Prize winners and their parents/carers are invited to the prize evening ceremony held towards the end of the summer term. Winners will be selected based on attainment and progress throughout the year in each subject area and also each year group. Medals and certificates are awarded to all prize winners and a shield for the winner in each year group.