Growth v Fixed Mindset
You may have heard students talking about how they’ve been developing a ‘Growth Mindset’ within school. Students have been learning about the two types of mindsets; a ‘fixed’ mindset and a ‘growth’ mindset.
It has been proven that having a Growth Mindset can improve children’s progress and attainment. As a result, we are teaching our students that by having a Growth Mindset they can grow their brains and intelligence and achieve anything they want!
Where has the idea come from?
Growth Mindset is the idea of Professor Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Dweck has conducted a lifetime’s research into mindsets and established an opposition between a fixed mindset (the belief that intelligence is fixed) and a growth mindset (the belief that intelligence can grow).
How you can encourage a Growth Mindset at home
Remember the power of YET.
“I can’t do it…………..YET!”