Mental Health & Wellbeing



Good mental health and wellbeing helps students:

  • Develop
  • Attend School
  • Engage in Learning
  • Fulfil their Potential

School contributes to wellbeing by providing:

  • A Safe, Calm and Supportive Learning Environment
  • Early Targeted Support for Pupils and Learners who need help

We promote positive wellbeing and raise awareness of the importance of talking about our mental health through personal development lessons, assemblies, form time activities, mentoring, student voice activities and June activity day sessions.


Words v5

A range of other individual & group sessions are provided by our internal pastoral and Alpha Centre inclusion team and external providers on a variety of themes:-

  • Anger Management
  • Bereavement
  • Self-Esteem
  • Resilience
  • Eating Disorders
  • CBT
  • Positive Relationships & Friendships, Bullying
  • Social Chat Group
  • Young Carers Group
  • LEGO Therapy
  • Drawing & Talking Therapy
  • Social Stories & Comic Strip Conversations
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Anxiety Clinic



Mental Health Staff Support

In addition to form tutors and key workers, the following people are available to students and parents to talk about their mental health and refer students for specialist support with our internal and external counsellors in school and other organisations.

  • Miss J Williams - Our Senior Learning Mentor & Mental Health First Aider (Alpha Centre)
  • Miss B Naughton - Pastoral Mentor & Mental Health First Aider (Alpha Centre)

Both provide our invaluable triage and one-to-one emotional support in school and liaise closely with CAMHS and other agencies.

Heads of Year:

  • Miss L Tompson (Year 7)
  • Miss G Lister (Year 8)
  • Miss B Kearns (Year 9)
  • Mrs R Addison (Year 10)
  • Mr B Evans (Year 11)

Pastoral Heads of School:

  • Mr M Leadbeater
  • Miss K Wells

The Safeguarding Team:

  • Miss J Halliday (Child Protection Officer & Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Miss E French (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Miss C Stringer (Designated Lead for Looked After Children)

Senior Mental Health Leads:

  • Miss C Eastwood
  • Miss L Chatburn

Our school website also has an online ‘Help’ button where students and parents can leave their details to request mental health support for a child and a follow-up call from one of our team.


Mental Health Online Resources


Further Support for Students & Parents

Frequently asked questions for parents and carers

Is a free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling service for young people aged 11-18, to support mental wellbeing.

Mind Tameside, Oldham & Glossop (TOG)

0161 330 9223

A service with an extensive variety of services to support young people and their families.

YoungMinds Parents Helpline

0808 802 5544 - available 9.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday

For parents, guardians and carers.

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger

Text YM to 85258. Texts are free from most phone networks

Provides free 24-hour crisis support


116 123 Available 24/7 365 days a year.

Email:[email protected]

BEAT Youthline

0808 801 0711  (Weekdays 9am-8pm; Weekends & Bank Holidays 4pm-8pm)

Offers online chat and telephone support to young people struggling with an eating disorder.


Contact: 0800 068 4141 (9am-12am; 365 days a year)

For young people experiencing suicidal thoughts.


Text SHOUT to 85258

Provides free, confidential, 24/7 text message support for anyone struggling to cope and anyone in crisis.


24-hour helpline 0800 1111

Provides a confidential telephone counselling service for any child under 19.

Self Help

They offer a wide range of support, services and opportunities for people living with mental health difficulties.

A user-led mental health charity based in the North of England. They offer a wide range of support, services and opportunities for people living with mental health difficulties.


0800 58 58 58

The CALM service run by the Department of Health has a free, confidential helpline that runs from 5pm to midnight, Saturday to Tuesday. CALM is targeted at young men aged between 15 and 35, suffering distress due to mental health difficulties and/or drug dependency, but the helpline is open to anybody and calls will not show up on landline telephone bills.

Charlie Waller Trust

We work with young people, parents and carers, schools, colleges, universities and employers. All our work is based on sound evidence. It gives people the confidence and skills to look after their mental health.

Childhood Bereavement Network

The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) is the hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK.

Cruse Bereavement Support

0808 8081 677

We help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.

Anxiety UK

03444 775 774

We’ve grown to become a national organisation with an international reach, whilst retaining a user-led ethos – being run by and for those with anxiety. Many of our small staff team have their own lived experience and understand the distress, isolation and misery that anxiety can cause.

Depression Alliance

0300 123 3393

For almost 40 years, Depression Alliance has been bringing people together to end the loneliness and isolation that can come with depression. Raising awareness and campaigning to improve attitudes towards depression has been central to Depression Alliance's work. We are continuing to support the delivery of the 60 Depression Alliance self-help groups. Together, we won't give up until everyone with depression gets the support they need and the respect they deserve.

Citizens Advice

0161 342 5005

Free advice for a variety of problems that people may be facing.

Welfare Rights

08000 74 99 85

We advise Tameside residents on a range of benefit and tax credit entitlements. The advice given by the service is completely independent, impartial, confidential and free. We have no ties to benefit agencies or other interested parties. The service recognises that individuals must make their own decisions, and that the role of the service is to give people the information they need to be able to exercise their rights. Benefits Freephone Advice Line. Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:30am-12:30pm.

Carer’s Centre

0161 342 3344

We can make sure you get the right support at the right time, to make life feel a little easier. Our Wellbeing Advisors can offer advice, guidance and signposting to meet the needs of you and the person you care for.


0808 800 5000

Help and advice for adults concerned about a child. It's never too soon to talk to us. And what you share could make a life-changing difference to a child.

The Proud Trust

0161 660 3347

The Proud Trust is a lifesaving and life enhancing organisation that helps LGBT+ young people empower themselves, to make a positive change for themselves, and their communities.

Mindline TransPlus+

0300 330 5468

Mindline Trans+ is a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline and signposting service for people who identify as Trans, A Gender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary. We are also able to offer support to friends and family. We support everyone dealing with any Transgender issues, be it for they themselves, their parents, siblings, colleagues, friends, or professionals.


0800 068 41 41

PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.


What to do in an Emergency?

If you or a child are at immediate risk of injury or harm, has taken an overdose or needs urgent medical help, CALL 999 or take them to A&E!
If you require urgent mental health support or advice call the 24-hour mental health helpline on 0800 014 9995 or contact your G.P
If you have noticed physical injuries such as deep cuts or burns, CALL 111 or contact your G.P
In the event of unexpected major problem within the home or family, Call the Emergency Social Services 0161 342 2222 (Tameside)
Safe Tameside - A safe place for mental health support, an alternative offer to A&E. Open between 9am-5pm call 0161 470 6104 to book your appointment
You can also drop in to our SAFE Tameside Hub in Ashton at a time that is best for you: 1pm – 8pm (Last walk-in or bookable appointment is 7pm). 
The Anthony Seddon Centre: 12 George Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 6AQ