In Year 7 Design and Technology, students cover a broad curriculum and develop the key skills that will ensure they can access the curriculum in years 8 to 10. Students will learn all the basic skills, concepts, techniques and subject related software to enable them to be successful across all areas of the DT curriculum.
During Year 7 in Design and Technology, students will cover the following topics:
Engineering Design
In this unit, students will be introduced to CAM and gain knowledge and make use of CAD software to create a mini torch from acrylic.
Graphic Design
In this unit, students will learn to create an original printed and laminated/encapsulated personalised door sign created using vector illustration skills in Adobe Illustrator that communicates the identity/interests of the end user. It will also help students develop an understanding of how colour, tone and line are used in graphical communication.
In this area of Design and Technology, students will develop a basic understanding of what are textiles, how are they made and they will be able to identify the different structures used for fabrics. They will learn about the industrial revolution and how Hyde contributed to the cotton industry. Students will then undertake in a design and make project where they will learn basic embellishment and construction techniques and produce a photo frame based on their own identity.
Food and Nutrition
In this unit, students will begin to develop their knowledge and skills of Cooking and Nutrition.
They will focus on hygiene and safety and how to choose and use kitchen equipment correctly when preparing food.
They will also learn about The Eatwell Guide and the principles of healthy eating linked to food labelling and making healthy choices
When preparing food they will also learn about the principles of food science and the function of ingredients.
They will make a variety of dishes including stir fry, scones and vegetable samosas.
Resistant Materials
In this unit, students develop a basic understanding of the properties of woods and their applications. Students also look at a range of woodworking tools and equipment and how to work safely in a workshop environment. They use this knowledge along with new skills in using workshop tools to develop a pencil box.
In Year 8 Design and Technology, students continue to develop the basic skills and concepts learned in year 7, to a much greater depth. Students produce a design portfolio along with a range of high quality products that link to the industry sectors, for each area of design. Students look closely at the careers that are available through the different facets of the subject, completing real life assignments for each area.
During Year 8 in Design and Technology, students will cover the following topics:
Engineering Design
In this unit, students will develop their knowledge of using 2D design software to create a functional phone holder from acrylic.
Graphic Design
In this unit, students develop their knowledge of Graphics Design by using Adobe Photoshop to create a digital collage. It will also help students develop an understanding of imagery, typography, visual balance and hierarchy. This will have been created using raster manipulation skills in Adobe Photoshop (in school) or Pixlr (at home)
In this area of Design and Technology students will develop their understanding of textiles and the environment and design their own Fairtrade logo. They will deepen their understanding of embellishment techniques by learning how to dye fabric and how to applique a design onto fabric. Students will then undertake a design and make project where they will learn how to create design ideas influenced by the artist Jon Burgerman and produce a cushion which will further develop methods of construction learnt in year 7.
Food and Nutrition
In this unit students will build upon the knowledge and skills developed in Year 7.They will focus on food safety and food poisoning bacteria and apply this knowledge when preparing food.
Students will also learn about the principles of healthy eating and the function and sources of nutrients.
They will use a nutritional analysis program to analyse the foods we eat to enable us to make healthy food choices.
When preparing food they will be learn about the function of the ingredients and their nutritional value. They will make a variety of dishes including pizza, curry and chilli con carne.
Resisitant Materials
In this unit students look at designers and design movements and use this as inspiration to add designs to their products. Students then continue to develop their skills in the workshop environment learning new skills in hole cutting and joining materials using standard components to produce a product that can be disassembled. Students then look at producing a high quality surface finish incorporating their chosen design movement.
In year 9, students complete 2, six week taster sessions in their chosen areas of Design and Technology. This is done by selecting their 2 preferred fields of the subject. Students then specialise in their favourite option for the last 2 terms of year 9, covering a greater depth of knowledge preparing them for KS4.
During Year 9 in Design and Technology, students will cover the following topics:
Engineering Design
Students will undertake a project to create an eco home. This project will focus on the students CAD skills utilising Google Sketchup.
Graphic Design
Students will combine graphics knowledge and skills from years 7 and 8 to learn about and explore logos and branding. They will solve a real-world design brief by combining traditional sketching skills, Adobe Illustrator vector illustration skills, Photoshop skills and paper craft skills to produce high quality working prototypes for branded fast food packaging.
In this area of Design and Technology students will learn about smart materials and smart textiles. They will use this knowledge to design a smart product of their own for a specific target market. Students will then develop their sewing machine skills in order for students to undertake a design and development project where they will learn a wide variety of embellishment techniques and different methods of construction. These skills all build on from the knowledge and skills acquired in year 7 and 8.
Cooking and Nutrition
In this unit students focus on developing their preparation and cooking skills. They prepare and cook a variety of dishes using more complex skills based on the theme of international cuisine. The dishes they make include bread products, lasagne (having made their own pasta) and Chicken Schnitzel. Students also participate in a food presentation challenge. Whilst preparing their dishes they consider the nutritional value of the dishes and how they could be adapted to meet the needs of people with special dietary requirements.
Resistant Materials
Students look at working with a range of resistant materials and how to join them together with knock down fittings. Students produce a design for an anglepoise lamp. Students learn a range of different processes and skills including traditional woodworking, vacuum forming and laser cutting along with permanent and temporary joining techniques to produce a high quality working prototype.