Internet Safety & PREVENT

Internet Safety & PREVENT

Welcome to the Internet Safety page. In an ever increasing digital world, it is important that we have the correct procedures and education in place to help our students to keep safe online. 

Please click below to view our PREVENT delivery plan.


PREVENT Delivery Plan 2024-2025

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E-safety Delivery Plan 2024-2025

Year 7: Inappropriate Content

Students discuss the SMART rules of internet safety, what they mean and how they can help us stay safe when using the internet.

Why Film/TV, Games and Online Content are certified and where to find information that can help us make informed decisions about what content is right to see and avoid what's not.

Discuss the impact of viewing content that is not appropriate. 
Where to find advice or help (the role of CEOP and other agencies).
How to report unsuitable or uncomfortable online issues.

Year 7: Fake News

Can all online information be trusted?

Students discuss why the News is important and different sources of news, what "Fake News" is and how it is spread, including Misinformation, Disinformation and Opinion.

What makes a source reliable and what can we do to check its authenticity and accuracy.

The impact of "Fake News" and how it can affect our online experience including Filter Bubbles.
Where to find advice or help (the role of CEOP and other agencies). How to report unsuitable or uncomfortable online issues.




Year 8: Inappropriate Content

Students look into healthy and unhealthy relationships in digital settings.

What negative behaviours can be displayed in unhealthy relationships and how these can impact on individuals.

The law surrounding the taking and distributing of nude photos, and the importance of being a positive bystander when you notice people in need of help and support.

Where to find advice or help (the role of CEOP and other agencies). How to report unsuitable or uncomfortable online issues.

Year 8: Online Hate

Students revisit the differences between Fact, Opinion, Misinformation and Disinformation.

The concept of Free Speech and the laws surrounding this to prevent the use of hate speech online. 

How these concepts can lead to stereotyping people and develop an "Us vs Them" mentality.

How this can further negatively affect a person's Filter Bubble, and how this may display itself in 'real world' situations.

Where to find advice or help (the role of CEOP and other agencies).

How to report unsuitable or uncomfortable online issues.

Year 8: First to a Million

An interactive film to help students explore a range of issues associated with uploading video content online. In particular it looks at the consequences of uploading increasingly extreme and sexual content and the impact of this on a group of friends.

That behaviours and expectations in the 'real world' should be reflected online.

Where to find advice or help (the role of CEOP and other agencies).

How to report unsuitable or uncomfortable online issues.

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Year 9: Cyber Security

Students look at the need for Cybersecurity, the threats posed from online life including Malware and Social Engineering.

How to protect against digital threats including encryption.

Year 9: Online Data

How online behaviours and interactions contribute to an individuals Digital Footprint. How data is collected online, including the role of cookies, and how this data might be used.

What is big data? How is this data sourced, analysed and used by organisations.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of organisations collecting and using this information?

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KS4 Computer Science

As part of the course curriculum, students have to cover the following laws:

  • General Data Protection Regulation
  • Computer Misuse Act (1990)
  • The Data Protection Act (1998)
  • Copyright, Design and Patents Act (1988)

Online Safety Tips

Social Media Safety Tips

An Introduction for Parents/Carers