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IMG 20200601 WA0050

Computing & Business

The computing and business department at Hyde High School is an innovative and forward thinking department that values creativity and ingenuity. The department is fully equipped with four computer suites that run a range of software packages, used in industry. 

The focus of the department at KS3 is Computing. In these lessons, students will learn how to program using industry standard programming languages, become fully IT literate, learn about the functionality of computers and know how to use technology in a safe and responsible manner. 

At KS4, students will choose from three options; Computer Science, Business Studies and Tech Award IT, you can find more details of these courses below. 

icon blue computer studies

Computing & Business Teachers

Mr Broderick

Subject Leader of Computing & Business

[email protected]

Mr Panter

Teacher of KS3 Computing, GCSE Computer Science and ICT

[email protected]

Mr Spensley

Teacher of KS3 Computing, GCSE Computer Science and ICT

[email protected]