

Excellent pastoral care lies at the heart of our school community. Our staff provide extremely effective support and guidance for pupils. Hyde High School has a strong and effective pastoral support team which comprises:

  • Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour and Welfare)
  • Pastoral Lead and Assistant Pastoral Lead
  • Child Protection Officer
  • Heads of Year
  • Senior Attendance Officer
  • Senior Learning Mentor
  • Attendance Support Officer
  • Learning Mentor
  • Form Tutors

Pastoral Leads

Pastoral Leads have a strategic role in ensuring that high standards are set and maintained and that our pastoral provision supports the best possible progress for all learners. They report to the Deputy Headteacher responsible for Behaviour and Welfare and lead the Upper and Lower School Teams of Heads of Year and Form Tutors. They play a key role in developing a positive collegiate identity and an ethos of high expectations, aspirations and achievement.

If you need to contact a pastoral lead, please click on their name.

Pastoral Lead - Mr M Leadbeater - [email protected]

Assistant Pastoral Lead - Ms K Wells - [email protected]

Heads of Year

Heads of Year take a key responsibility for a year group and promote the excellent behaviour, personal development and welfare of all pupils to ensure that they are able to make the best possible progress.

They are responsible for monitoring behaviour across their year group and deal with any serious breaches of school discipline or where there are concerns about a particular pupil across a number of subjects. Similarly they will support Form Tutors and subject teachers by providing advice and guidance and in instigating report card procedures when necessary. They will also liaise with parents/carers and with outside agencies where necessary.

As a school we employ a wide range of strategies to support pupils with social, emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. These are normally coordinated by the Head of Year and may include support from our Learning Mentor, counselling or referral to appropriate agencies. Heads of Year monitor and support pupils in their year group through the use of behaviour reports, progress reports, meetings etc. which include specific targets, and through the use of rewards and sanctions.

Heads of Year are the first port of call for parental enquiries or concerns. 

If you need to contact a pastoral lead, please click on their name.

Year 7 - Ms Tompson - [email protected]

Year 8 -  Miss G Lister - [email protected]

Year 9 - Mrs B Kearns  - [email protected]

Year 10 - Mrs R Addison - [email protected]

Year 11 -  Mr B Evans  - [email protected]


Form Tutors

Form Tutors play a key role in getting to know the pupils in their form and having an overview of their progress, behaviour and attendance. They set the scene at the start of every day with high expectations and are expected to ensure that pupils in their form are READY to learn in that they are wearing the correct uniform and have the necessary equipment for school.