In-Year Transfers

Changing Secondary Schools Mid Year

It is generally in your child’s best interest to remain at the same school for the whole of the Key Stage and ideally, the whole of the primary or secondary phase. Studies show that many children experience difficulties settling into a new school. For example it can be difficult to join established friendship groups, the curriculum may be organised differently so your child may find they are repeating some units of work and have missed others, and they will have to get used to new routines and timetables.  In many cases, attainment can fall when a child transfers to another school. It can often be the case that problems experienced in one school will recur in another. If your child is experiencing difficulties, you are first advised to try to work through any issues with the staff at your current school. 

A decision to move your child from one school to another should not be taken lightly and should only be considered as a last resort. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to transfer your child to another school, for example if you are moving house on a permanent basis and the distance would make it impossible to attend their current school.

The Transfer Process

If you want to transfer your child to a school in Tameside, you must apply through Tameside Council even if you live in another area. If you want to apply for a school in another area, you will need to contact that area for further details of what you need to do.

If you are moving into Tameside or you wish to pursue a transfer, a form can be obtained from school  or you can download the form directly. 

You should complete the form as fully as possible and return the form to school. School is required to complete section 8 and then send the form to us. 

Parents will receive an offer of a school place through Tameside School Admission. Tameside School Admissions allow up to 20 school days to process your application and cannot guarantee a place will be available at a particular school.

You are advised that your child must continue to attend their current school regularly whilst a transfer form is being processed. 

Admission to Hyde

If your child is offered a place at Hyde then school will begin the process to admit your child to the school roll. Allow 10 school days from start to finish.

  1. You will receive a letter from Tameside School Admissions advising that your child has been offered a place.
  2. A copy of the transfer form will be sent to school from Tameside School Admissions.
  3. A request for information is sent to your child's current school (attendance/behaviour/progress etc)
  4. You and your child are invited into school for an Admission Meeting with the relevant Head of Year
  5. Your child will be invited into school to complete some academic testing (this takes approximately 1 hour)
  6. A start date is confirmed