Transition Hub

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Hub - Students Starting In September 2024

The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for both parent and child.

A time full of challenges and experiences, which we will share with you every step of the way from Year 7, though to Year 11.

Our dedicated efforts will ensure that your child has the maximum success here at Hyde High School, as well as enjoying making new friendships, and embracing new opportunities that high school brings.

Please see below our School Handbook for New Starters for September 2024

Transition Schedule 24 updated v2

"Top Tips" for students joining us in September 2024


  • Attend any Transition Events you are invited to, you'll get to become familiar with the layout of the school, start to recognise Teachers, and maybe make some new friends.

  • Make sure you get yourself an Alarm Clock, you don't want to be late! Especially if you have a long journey. School starts each day at 8:30am

  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you have something to eat. Even if you feel nervous, break time isn't till 10:05am

  • At Hyde we take pride our uniform, you're expected to wear your blazer, and have your shirt tucked in.

  • If you're getting a bus, you might need to look into getting a Travel Pass (Igo Pass), make sure you apply for one with plenty of time to spare.

  • Work out how you'll get to and from school each day, whether you're walking, or taking public transport. Give it a practice before your first day, and make sure you feel confident. Even better, time yourself, that way you know what time to set your alarm clock.

  • It's always best to know an alternative route when travelling to school, just encase there's roadworks or other unexpected issues.

  • At Hyde a backpack is essential, you might have a few things to carry with you (Pencil Case, Planner, Library Book, Packed Lunch, etc). Note that small handbags, aren't allowed.

  • Play time is now break time and lunch time. The first few months at Hyde you'll have your lunch before everyone else, and will have your own area to have lunch. But as the months fly by you'll soon start to to integrate with other year groups.


  • At Hyde you can either bring your own packed lunch, or you can have a range of different meals that are served by our catering team. From Pasta, Panini's, daily plated meals, sandwiches, and of course Chips on a Friday!

  • Make sure you use Break/Lunch time wisely. Fill up your water bottle at one of the Water Fountains, use the toilets, and give yourself plenty of time to grab a bite to eat/drink.

  • If you have a Mobile Phone it's important that it stays in your bag whilst in school. Keep it safe!

  • On your first day you'll get a Planner. In your Planner you'll keep a copy of your timetable which you'll rely on a lot, over your first few weeks as you get to know your way around the school.

  • Don't wait till the morning, if you pack your bag the night before you can double check you have everything for the following day. 
  • The Library is a great place to catch-up on homework, and make friends.

  • Never be afraid to ask for help! If you get lost let someone know, everyone at Hyde is friendly, and you'll soon be at your lesson

  • When it's lesson change over try and staff with classmates who are in your next lesson. You have less chance of getting lost, and remember to follow the one way system. If in doubt follow the arrows!

  • Take each day as it comes! Before you know it, you'll know your way around. This time next year you might be showing around the Class of 2030!



Further Information

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email at [email protected]