Within the timetable there is time between lessons to follow the one-way system and arrive on time to every lesson – no matter how far the distance between any two classes. This also allows for a member of staff to speak to a pupil at the end of a lesson and for the pupil to still arrive to their next class on time. Pupils who arrive earlier to the official start time will be welcomed in by teachers and provided with a starter activity.
To support pupils to arrive on time a warning bell will sound 1 minute before the start of each lesson and this will be followed by a second bell to indicate when the lesson has officially started. Any pupil arriving after the second bell will be marked in late; those pupils with persistent lateness will be collected to serve a detention at the end of the day. Parents will be informed by text message at the start of lesson 5 (it is parents’ responsibility to ensure school always has up-to-date contact details).