The aims and objectives of the Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in English Language are to enable students to:
● read a wide range of texts fluently and with good understanding
● read critically and use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing
● write effectively and coherently using Standard English appropriately
● use grammar correctly, punctuate and spell accurately
● acquire and apply a wide vocabulary alongside knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
● listen to and understand spoken language, and use spoken Standard English effectively. Spoken language will be reported as a separate grade on the student’s certificate.
Component 1: Fiction and Imaginative Writing
(40% of the total GCSE)
Overview of Content
Study selections from a range of prose fiction
Develop skills to analyse and evaluate 19th-century fiction extracts
Develop imaginative writing skills to engage the reader
Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately
Overview of Assessment
Section A - Reading from a range of prose fiction
Section B - Writing: a choice of two writing tasks. The tasks are linked by a theme to the reading extract
Component 2: Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing
(60% of the total GCSE)
Overview of Content
Study a range of 20th- and 21st- century non-fiction texts (including literary non-fiction)
Develop skills to analyse, evaluate and compare non-fiction extracts
Develop transactional writing skills for a variety of forms, purposes and audiences
Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately
Overview of Assessment
Section A - Reading: two questions on thematically linked, unseen non-fiction extracts
Section B - Writing: a choice of two writing tasks. The tasks are linked by a theme to the reading extracts
Spoken Language Endorsement
(0% of the total GCSE)
Overview of Content
Developing spoken language skills
Overview of Assessment
The component is internally assessed under controlled conditions, and externally monitored
Candidates must undertake a prepared spoken presentation on a specific topic in a formal setting, listen and respond to questions and feedback, and use spoken english effectively
Students will be awarded a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction)
The aims and objectives of the Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in English Literature are to enable students to:
● read a wide range of classic literature fluently and with good understanding, and make connections across their reading
● read in depth, critically and evaluatively, so that they are able to discuss and explain their understanding and ideas
● develop the habit of reading widely and often
● appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage
● write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading, using Standard English
● acquire and use a wide vocabulary, including grammatical terminology, and other literary and linguistic terms they need to criticise and analyse what they read.
Component 1: Shakespeare and Post-1914 Literature
(50% of the total GCSE)
Overview of Content
Study a Shakespeare play and a post-1914 British play or novel
Develop skills to analyse how the language, form, structure and context of texts can create meanings and effects
Develop skills to maintain a critical style and informed personal response
Overview of Assessment
Section A - Shakespeare: a two-part question, with the first task focused on an extract of approximately 30 lines. The second task is focussed on how a theme reflected in the extract is explored in the play
Section B - Post 1914 British play or novel: ONE essay question
Component 2: 19th-century Novel and Poetry since 1789
(50% of the total GCSE)
Overview of Content
Study a 19th-century novel and poetry collection from the Pearson Poetry Anthology
Develop skills to analyse how the language, form, structure and context of texts can create meanings and effects
Develop skills to maintain a critical style and informed personal response.
Develop comparison skills
Overview of Assessment
Section A - 19th-century novel: a two part question, with the first part focussed on an extract of approximately 400 words. The second part is an essay question exploring the whole text
Section B - Part 1: ONE question comparing a named poem from the Pearson Anthology collection to another from that collection. The named poem will be shown in the question paper. Part 2: ONE question comparing two unseen contemporary poems
The Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in Drama consists of two non-examination assessment components and one externally examined paper.
Component 1: Devising (40% of the qualification)
Non-examination assessment
Content overview
● Create and develop a devised piece from a stimulus (free choice for centre).
● Performance of this devised piece or design realisation for this performance.
● Analyse and evaluate the devising process and performance.
● Performer or designer routes available.
Assessment overview
There are two parts to the assessment:
1) a portfolio covering the creating and developing process and analysis and evaluation of this process
The portfolio submission recommendations are one of the following:
- can be handwritten/typed evidence between 1500–2000 words
- can be recorded/verbal evidence between 8–10 minutes
- can be a combination of handwritten/typed evidence (between 750–1000 words) and recorded/verbal evidence (between 4–5 minutes)
2) a devised performance/design realisation
Component 2: Performance from Text (20% of the qualification)
Non-examination assessment
Content overview
● Students will either perform in and/or design for two key extracts from a performance text.
● Centre choice of performance text.
● Performer or designer routes available.
Assessment overview
● Externally assessed by visiting examiner.
● Centres are free to cover the performance/designing of the two key extracts in any way.
This freedom caters for centres with different cohort sizes and allows them to choose
group, solo and/or partner-based routes for assessment.
● Performance/design realisation covering both key extracts is worth 48 marks.
● If two separate performances are done covering two key extracts, then each
performance/design realisation is worth 24 marks.
Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice (40% of the qualification)
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
Content overview
● Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text.
● Choice of eight performance texts.
● Live theatre evaluation – free choice of production.
Assessment overview
Section A: Bringing Texts to Life
This section consists of one question broken into five parts (short and extended responses) based on an unseen extract from the chosen performance text. Performance texts are not allowed in the examination as the extracts will be provided.
Section B: Live Theatre Evaluation
This section consists of two questions requiring students to analyse and evaluate a live
theatre performance they have seen. Students are allowed to bring in theatre evaluation notes of up to a maximum of 500 words.